Windows Server Usage Notes
These tips were written for installation on Win2003. They apply to all the versions of Windows Server, although some specific steps within IIS need to be done in different ways on recent versions of Microsoft IIS.
  • After running SCSetup.exe, make sure there is a file named ZaphodsMap.cfg in your c:\windows folder. If not, create a file with that name and these contents:
    If this file was not present, recycle the AppPool(s) to reload StreamCatcher.
  • Check the VERY TOP WEB SITES node in IIS Manager (the one named "Web Sites"), look on the ISAPI Filters tab. You should see StreamCatcher listed there. If it is not there, add it by entering any name and providing the full path and filespec for the Application\StreamCatcher.dll file.
  • Also in IIS Manager, under Web Service Extensions, make sure that c:\Apps\StreamCatcher\Application\StreamCatcher.dll is ALLOWED.
  • If you are on a 64-bit machine, set the AppPool to run in 32-bit mode. (Or contact Customer Service for a 64-bit version of the StreamCatcher.dll file.)
  • After following the normal installation procedure plus the steps above, you should be able to bring up your master console URL and see a message that the console is disabled (which is normal for Win2003). Note that you can run SCConsole.exe (standalone, on the server) for the same functionality as the browser-based console had on older versions of Windows.
    • Make sure the IIS_WPG (IIS worker process group) or Network Service has READ rights on c:\AppsData\ZaphodsMap folder
    • Make sure the IIS_WPG or Network Service has READ, WRITE and MODIFY rights on c:\Apps\StreamCatcher folder and subfolders
    • Make sure the IIS_WPG or Network Service has READ, WRITE and MODIFY rights on c:\AppsData\StreamCatcher folder and subfolders
    • After changing permissions, recycle the AppPool(s) to reload StreamCatcher.
  • Look in c:\Apps\StreamCatcher\ErrorLogs for additional clues. As long as StreamCatcher.dll is able to write to this folder, it will report any configuration errors to you.
  • If your version of StreamCatcher is older than v1.9 and you are working with a test server, we recommend that you temporarily run it in IIS 5 compatibility mode ("IIS 5.0 isolation mode") so that you can use StreamCatcher's consoles to make changes, see the trace log, reload settings without stopping IIS, etc. etc. When you are done configuring StreamCatcher, reset the mode. You must stop/restart the IIS service from outside IIS Manager whenever you change modes; otherwise StreamCatcher will not reload its rules.

    You can find screenshots and instructions on MSDN -- search for "Selecting Execution Mode".

    If you will be using the consoles even temporarily, give the machine's IUSR_xxx user Modify access to the SC Administrator\Config folder

    In version 1.9 and higher, use SCConsole.exe
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